Group Pictures

Ah, isn't that just so cute.  It figures that Serena would be crying about something.
Hay I know I could go home and call Ray to say skip Serena I am going out with you,
Wow when did Rini turn 16?
I always knew that Lita was never very good when it comes to beach suits same with Serena.
Neat Lita and Serena looks normal in this picture!
Were is Serena in all this?
Shouldn't Serena be the one getting strangled so Darien can save her.
When did Serena think that she was great  on camera.
Serena, and Rini look like they had to much Mountain Dew.
Serena Darien it's the wrong time to do that.
Why does it seem that every time I see Serena she has a different locket on.
Are they trying to be a model.
What are you starring at?
When did the scouts learn to fly?
Does Mina ever smile?
Serena has a new locket again!
Serena looks deformed.
Wow I have never seen all the scouts looking this good.  There normally some look good and the others don't.

Family Pictures

I bet that Darien would of loved to see this!
Serena is thinking how did that happen?
Like I said before Serena will never be a good model.
This is what I think that Serena is saying "Why couldn't you be Malcom."
Does Serena ever stop crying?
I have only three words for this LOL.
Ok Rini takes after her mom when it comes to beach suites.
Beware the  ring!
There she goes again reaching for Prince.
Why does it seem when there is a funny face on any of the scouts they look younger.
Yet another  boring kiss.
Does Darien ever smile?
Why wont Serena just do this to Queen Beryl?

He just keeps getting cuter every time I see him!

A everlasting kiss.
I think that we all now why all the girls go for him.
How sweet of Serena to sit though Rini crying because her dad is Darien and not her boy friend.
Hey! Darien could always save me.
Hm?  Were is bathfoom? {bathroom}
Cry, cry, cry, cry Darien kill the bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't that just the cutest thing.

Ok this is what I look like if I put my hair in meat balls.  Cool pic huh.
I think that 99.9% of the pic's someone is crying conspicuously.
Is Rini dancing on a stump or a onion? 
                                                             A very pretty manga picture on the town.
Rini's wish came true, so now she can go out with Darien.
Beware the devil horns.
LOL.  Rini has a horse as a boy friend.
Look Rini is kissing her horse.
Hey! Rini is doing school work.  She doesn't take after her mom there.
One more kiss on the town.  Is that really Serena?  Wears her meat balls?
Now what is she sad bout?